How you can help
Become a member
Full Membership - costs £15 a year (payable by standing order) which goes towards the cost of buying Public Liability Insurance for the Friend’s activities, and entitles you to a vote at the AGM.
Member for a day - volunteers helping out for the day on a work party do not need to pay membership fees.
To become a member please contact Nick Penn at treasurer.meudonwoods@gmail.com
Volunteer your practical skills to carry out manual jobs such as building steps on the steep sections and improving drainage of the muddy spots in the paths.
Volunteer your organisational skills to help raise funds, co-ordinate community activities etc.
Carry with you a pair of secateurs. Brambles can grow up to 10cm a day in the summer - if you spot a thorny branch crossing the path or hanging down from the canopy then please snip it off as low down (or high up) as possible.
Provide professional expertise. If you are chainsaw or brush cutter operator who is insured and qualified (i.e. hold a recognised training certificate / 'ticket') then we would love your help to keep footaths clear of annual growth and fallen trees.
To get involved or find out more please contact Ben Raymond at chair.meudonwoods@gmail.com
Become a Benefactor - make a donation to the Friends
The scale of some of the work that needs doing in the woods requires the expertise of professionals. A one-off or regular donation to FOMW helps to build up reserves to fund these activities.
To become a Benefactor please contact Nick Penn at treasurer.meudonwoods@gmail.com